Timminco Limited and Bécancour Silicon Inc.
May 20, 2016 |
On May 20, 2016, the Monitor issued its Certificate terminating the CCAA Proceedings and discharging the Monitor
December 22, 2014 |
On December 22, 2014 the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz granted an Order extending the stay period to March 31, 2015
June 10, 2014 |
On June 10, 2014 the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz granted an Order extending the stay period to September 30, 3014
September 13, 2013 |
On September 13, 2013 the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to December 16, 2013.
June 19, 2013 |
On June 19, 2013 the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to September 16, 2013.
May 14, 2013 |
On May 14, 2013 the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to July 15, 2013.
January 31, 2013 |
On January 31, 2013 the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to March 15, 2013.
December 4, 2012 |
On December 4th, the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to January 31, 2013.
The Court also approved the 15th and 16th report of the Monitor.
September 27,2012 |
On September 27, 2012 the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to December 7, 2012.
June 15, 2012 |
On June 14, 2012 the Court ordered an extension of the CCAA Stay Period to September 30, 2012.
On June 15, 2012 the Court approved the Claims Procedure Order. Creditors wishing to file a claim should review the claims procedure and file their claim by logging on to the FTI Claims Site at https://cmsi.ftitools.com/timminco
For those creditors who are unable to file a claim using the online system Information Submission Forms and Supporting Document Submission Forms are available under the Claims Procedure Tab.
April 27, 2012 |
Pursuant to an order granted by the Honourable Mr. Justice Moratwetz, the Stay Period has been extended to June 20, 2012.
April 26, 2012 |
Pursuant to the Bidding Procedures Order, the Auction was held on April 24 and 25. At the conclusion of the Auction, Timminco, in consultation with the Monitor, selected a combination of the following two bids as the Successful Bid:
- The Portion Bid submitted by QSI Partners Ltd., a subsidiary of Globe Specialty Metals, Inc., in respect of substantially all of the silicon metal business and assets of Bécancour Silicon, including its 51% ownership interest in Québec Silicon Limited Partnership, for a cash purchase price of approximately $31.9 million (the “GSM Bid”), subject to working capital adjustments; and
- The Portion Bid submitted by Grupo FerroAtlántica S.A., in respect of substantially all of the solar grade silicon business and assets of Timminco Solar, a division of Bécancour Silicon, for a cash purchase price of approximately $2.7 million (the “FerroAtlantica Bid”).
Both bids are subject to customary conditions, including Court approval, and will terminate on July 1, 2012 unless closing has occurred prior to such date.
In addition, the Company has selected as the Back-Up Bid a combination of the FerroAtlantica Bid and the Portion Bid submitted by Wacker Chemie AG as purchaser, in respect of substantially the same assets as the GSM Bid. The Company will proceed with the Back-Up Bid if it is unable to close the Successful Bid.
April 12, 2012 |
The Phase II Bid Deadline has been extended to April 19, 2012. This deadline has been extended with the consent of the Stalking Horse Bidder and the motion returnable April 10, 2012 and postponed to April 12, 2012 has been withdrawn.
March 2, 2012 |
Timminco announces today that it has signed an asset purchase agreement with QSI Partners as purchaser and Globe Specialty Metals as guarantor for the sale of substantially all of the assets of Bécancour Silicon Inc., including the assets of its silicon metal and solar grade silicon businesses located in Bécancour, Québec, Canada (the “QSI APA”). Subject to court approval, the QSI APA will stand as a “stalking horse bid” in the marketing process pursuant to which the Company is now offering for sale all of its assets.
February 1, 2012 |
The continuation of the hearing of the Applicants’ motion for an Order approving the DIP Facility and granting the DIP Lender’s Charge has been rescheduled to Monday, February 6, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.
1 Février 2012 |
La poursuite de l'audition de la requête des demandeurs pour obtenir une ordonnance approuvant la facilité DIP et l'octroi de la charge du prêteur DIP a été reportée au lundi 6 Février 2012 à 09h30
January 30, 2012 |
Timminco Limited and its wholly-owned subsidiary Bécancour Silicon Inc. (collectively, the “Company”) announced that, at a motion heard on January 27, 2012, in connection with proceedings commenced by the Company under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (the “CCAA Proceeding”), the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial Division) (the “Court”) has granted an order extending the CCAA stay of proceedings to April 30, 2012. The extension provides additional time for the Company to conduct a thorough marketing process for the sale of the business and assets of the Company, or for the sponsorship of a plan of arrangement in respect of the Company, subject to Court approval of such process.
The Court also heard preliminary submissions from the Company in support of its request for an order approving the Company’s debtor-in-possession financing of US$4.25 million (the “DIP Facility”) being provided by QSI Partners Ltd. (the “DIP Lender”), as well as the super-priority ranking of the charge required by the DIP Lender. The hearing of the motions in respect of the DIP Facility was adjourned and will be completed at a hearing scheduled for February 3, 2012.
30 Janvier 2012 |
Timminco Limited et sa filiale en propriété exclusive de Silicium Bécancour Inc (collectivement, la «Société») a annoncé que, lors d'une requête entendue le 27 Janvier 2012, dans le cadre d'une procédure intentée par la Société en vertu de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers (la «LACC»), la Cour supérieure de justice (Division commerciale) (la «Cour») a accordé une ordonnance prolongeant la durée de la procédure de la LACC jusqu’au 30 avril 2012. L'extension fournit un délai supplémentaire à la Société pour mener un processus de marketing approfondi pour la vente de l'entreprise et des actifs de la Société, ou pour le parrainage d'un plan d'arrangement à l'égard de la Société, sous réserve de l'approbation du tribunal d'un tel processus.
La Cour a également entendu les observations préliminaires de la Société à l'appui de sa demande d'une ordonnance approuvant le financement de débiteur en possession de la Société de $4,250,000 (le «financement DIP») fourni par QSI Partners Ltd. (le «prêteur DIP» ), ainsi que le classement de super-priorité de la charge requise par le prêteur DIP. L'audition des requêtes au sujet du financement DIP a été ajournée et sera complétée lors d'une audience prévue pour le 3 Février 2012.
January 27, 2012 |
The stay has been extended to April 30, 2012.
January 3, 2012 |
On January 3, 2012, Timminco Limited and Bécancour Silicon Inc. (collectively, “Timminco” or the “Applicants”) sought and obtained an Initial Order (the “Initial Order”) under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (the “CCAA”). Pursuant to the Initial Order, FTI Consulting Canada Inc. (“FTI” or the “Monitor”) has been appointed Monitor. The Initial Order also provides for a stay of proceedings against the Applicants, which stay expires February 2, 2012, unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
AVIS EST PAR LA PRÉSENTE DONNÉ que, le 3 janvier 2012, Timminco Limited and Silicium Bécancour Inc. (désignés collectivement “Timminco” ou les « requérantes ») ont demandé à la Cour supérieure de justice de l’Ontario (rôle commercial) de Toronto et obtenu une ordonnance initiale (l’« ordonnance initiale ») en application de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies, L.R.C. 1985, c. C 36, dans sa version modifiée (la « LACC ») Aux termes de l’ordonnance initiale, FTI Consulting Canada Inc. a été nommée contrôleur aux termes de la LACC (le « contrôleur »). L’ordonnance initiale prévoit, entre autres conditions, une suspension des procédures jusqu’au 2 février 2012.